This species of clam is known for its remarkable longevity and can live for several centuries. The oldest known ocean quahog was estimated to be around 507 years old.
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These large sharks are believed to have a lifespan of several hundred years. Some individuals have been estimated to be over 400 years old.
Greenland Shark (Somniosus microcephalus)
Tortoises (Various species)
Giant tortoises, such as the Galapagos tortoise and the Aldabra tortoise, are known for their longevity. They can live well over 100 years.
Hydra (Hydra vulgaris)
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While they are not immortal, they have impressive regenerative abilities.
Immortal Jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii)
This species of jellyfish has a unique ability to revert back to its earlier life stage after reaching maturity, effectively restarting its life cycle.