
7 Animals That Eat Their Mates after mating 

sexual cannibalism

Redback Spider (Latrodectus hasselti) "

Female redback spiders are known to consume their male mates after mating. This behavior ensures a nutrient-rich meal for the female .

Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa) 

Female praying mantises often engage in sexual cannibalism, where they eat the male after or during mating.

Black Widow Spider  

Similar to the redback spider, female black widow spiders are known for consuming the males after mating. It shows sexual cannibalism. 

Notophthalmus viridescens

Red-Spotted Newt  

Male red-spotted newts sometimes cannibalized  the skin and tail of the female during mating. 

Yellow Sac Spider  

Female yellow sac spiders have been observed  cannibalism on the males after mating. This cannibalistic behavior provides the female with a source of nutrients.

Nursery Web Spider  

there have been cases of female nursery web spiders consuming the males after mating. This behavior is believed to increase the female's fitness .

No. 6

Female marbled salamanders occasionally eat the males after mating. This behavior is thought to be related to the female's need for additional energy .

credit:freepic & pixabay